Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I haven't blogged on here for a while ... no drama to talk about you know. How boring is that. My brother has Jury duty this week, I almost wish I had jury duty because I love watching those crime shows on TV. It's def something different and interesting to experience. I got called once but couldn't go because it was during an exam week in school. I miss school sometimes (not the classes).

I ran into my DTM brother twice, whatever. It's bound to happen I just hope I don't see "it" anywhere or I don't know what I would do seriously. Is it bad that I actually thought of slashing tires just cause I had the opportunity to screw with him. Then I felt all bad and guilty. I didn't do anything wrong but I felt bad like he's my brother he can't be DTM you know. I actually felt sorry for him for only having THEM in his life and anything THEM related. He ran into my mom and she asked if he was happy he said he was comfortable. My mom is riding on that ray of hope that he didn't say happy only comfortable, she's like well he didn't say he's happy. Like miraculously he's going to change his mind and come back to her kind of thing. I didn't say anything I just let her ride that ray of sunshine she has in her head. He said he was going to stop by to say hi to my dad (my mom told him to) on Easter. When cleaning up the food she was like oh let me save some for your brother in case he comes so he can take some home. He didn't show up. I felt bad for her. (Writing that it almost made me tear up so I'm changing the subject).

So back to my brother being on Jury duty because of that the schedule to watch Isabella is all whacked out. Now Kirk is going in at 330 (WTF you mean to tell me he could have kept that fucking schedule instead of working from 11-8). I think he's full of shit. I think he changed the schedule to satisfy himself with no consideration on who's watching our child and when. I swear I really and honestly think he's really selfish sometimes. Men just don't think of anyone but themselves first ... who agrees with me? It's horrible how selfish he is. I mean yeah I am sometimes too who isn't but he goes a little over board with it sometimes and it's just irritating me. Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Tru dat...speaking from my recent experience I am joining the man hater's club and will agree that dude's are incredibly selfish.