Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This morning I was having a dream that we lived in a town close to the beach and sure enough a tidal wave (tsunami whatever) was coming our way. We were running through the streets trying to get to higher ground. Isabella was there. We were hiding in this one building and there were other people there and there was a monster (demon). He was looking for someone specific not to kill or anything like that but to take back with him. He passed me by and then I got scared that he wanted Isabella I tried to get to her in time but I couldn't for some reason. Finally she snuck around and came to me. Then in one part of the dream we were at Taco Bell. (I don't know I haven't been there in years literally) I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat. It was just strange dream all around. but after the monster and Isabella I woke up to her running into my room saying scared scared. Hmmm makes you wonder.

Dreams are a wondrous thing ... why do we have them and why are they so strange usually. Who knows?

Right now I'm exhausted I went to bed around 1 and was woken up at 5 ... I really need to start going to sleep early this is getting to be too much for me. I'm practically falling asleep at the wheel. Not safe at all.

Weird News -
Doctors pull screws, nails from metal-eating man - Fri Jul 11, 12:27 PM ET
LIMA (Reuters) - Doctors in a coastal town in northwestern Peru have rescued the innards of a 38-year-old man by removing 17 metal objects -- among them nails, a watch clasp and a knife -- that he ate. (you know wasn't there an episode of House like that or maybe it was that real life ER show lol where some kid was eating metal balls, I think it was House.)

Ravers lose sight at Russian laser show Reuters - Mon Jul 14, 4:27 PM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Dozens of partygoers at an outdoor rave near Moscow last week have lost partial vision after a laser light show burned their retinas, Russian health officials said on Monday. (HAHAHA damn ravers, do people still do that lol)

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