Tuesday, May 27, 2008

new job ranting

- it sucks to have a new job because you don't know anyone and on top of not knowing anyone you don't know what the hell to do. That is unless you've been in the business for a couple years and you have a relative idea of what to do but then what sucks is the new people who hired you almost think of you as not knowing shit because you haven't worked for them before and therefore the beginning days are super slow. but it's been (this is my third week) a while now i mean get me out there and doing things already i'm fucking bored sitting here pretending to do something so i dont look like a retard twidling my thumbs. I just want a little trust and let me try and do things other than sittin on my ass gettin paid to do nothing which would be fine if it wasn't so quiet (no music) if i could openly and freely look online (internet policy) or if i had someone to talk to all damn day. but nope none of those things i'm secretly going online trying to hide it as best as i could but my CUBICLE is in a bad spot too many freaking eyes

1 comment:

Misty said...

the initial part is always slow and sucks. at least you don't have to read a bunch of boring policy and watch stupid videos put out by the government. hopefully it'll get better.