Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Walking through the Motions

Everyday like clockwork I wake up go to the bathroom do my business, change my clothes and go to work. Most of the time I"ll go home for lunch see my two babies and then come back to work and finish off the day. Then I go back home and take care of my baby (feed her, play with her, change her and put her to sleep) then if I'm lucky I can scrap a little before my boyfriend comes home which I have to have everything cleaned up by then cause he get's mad hehe. Anyway that's a typical weekday, the weekend is slightly different in that there is always something to do. But my life is sometimes very monotonous and it's just irritating me. I really really need a vacation and a change of scenery. I'm thinking of just getting in the car and driving south. We'll stop at places along the way and call it a vacation LOL. leave thursday and come back sunday or something. But of course we have to wait till kirk has vacation cause I'm definitely not doing that myself lol. I need a companion. Maybe I could even talk my mom into watching the baby so we can do this adventure ourselves. Oo maybe we'll go west lol. There are endless opportunities.

I can barely keep my eyes open ... this is me at work half the time with my eyes closed praying that no one sees me because you are not supposed to sleep on the job those are terms for termination. Speaking of jobs, I'm really starting to worry about mines. There are a lot of people who have been here for years in high positions that have been leaving. I don't know what's going on but whatever it is no one is telling me. Big shocker (i say sarcastically), cause I don't really matter in this company I'm just another person filling desk space. That's it. One day they will catch up to me and realize that I really don't do that much work and that I sit here playing on the internet all day. Either on myspace or chatting on yahoo. I'll wait till that day though. I'll find something better to do, maybe a job I can actually enjoy. One day...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Break out sista...hit the road. we need to meet again soon. What a perfect excuse...:)