Friday, February 15, 2008

Angry Blog

Today I feel extreme anger inside me. You know the type of anger that makes your body feel all tingly and you run through scenarious through your mind and you're just unbelievable angry on the inside with rage on the side lol. I'm just so mad and I don't know why, well I could come up with a couple things but still ... alright fine I'll tell you. I'm angry at the post office for losing shit in the mail I mean how fucking hard is it to get it from point a to point b seriously what the fuck asshole every fucking time u fucking lose one of my fucking orders in the mail i have to fucking redo them and it's not fun at all. Especially when it's after midnight and someone is telling me they still haven't received their shit from January and it's not fucking February. I mailed it, other people got their shit, what the fuck you know. It just angers me that I have to redo something and send it out again into the abyss that is the post office or should i say black hole since shit keeps missing out. I feel like a tard when someone doesn't recieve what they ordered like what am i going to do but fucking resend it ... so that takes time away from me doing whatever and money out of my pocket for your fucking mistake!!!!!!!! Ugh fucking PO i hate them.

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