Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Frustrated with Responsabilities

Having a baby really changes your life in so many ways. I mean I always knew it was going to be a lot of work, but they were not kidding in the least. I used to have friends, I used to have time, I used to sleep. I used to shop for myself a lot, now I walk into a store and straight to the baby section. I will always leave a store with something for my kid. She has to be the most spoiled kid I know, well duh I don't really know many. She was the first baby I've ever held. It's a glorious and beautiful thing believe me, having a child that is. But I'm tired, and I just need a couple days to actually sit down and get things done. It doesn't help that I live with so many people and there is always someone doing something or just something.

I remember a time when I would go out and just hang out with friends. I don't know what happened. I mean I know in college everything was fabulous. Then after college came and people started dwindling by the wayside, which is understandable because everyone needs to start their own lives. But the numbers kept dwindling smaller and smaller until after the baby where the number turned zero. My friends are the people I live with (the ones I like anyway). That's it. I'm telling you babies change your lives forever. I used to be a scrapbooking speedster. Now I'm lucky if I get at least one page or one project done a week. It's horrible I tell ya. I haven't even done Christmas. I wish just once, that my significant other would take the responsability roll and just take our kid and spend the day with her all day so that I can get things done that I need to do because it's been so long or I never have time. But he never does, because he's extremely selfish. If you asked me two years ago if this is how I would picture my house, my answer would probably be no. I would at least be living in my own damn place haha. that might be the only difference.


Rachel D said...

Babies do change your life. I miss the days of freedom. I am lucky that David does take the kids but sometimes I wish he would do it without me begging. I miss sleep and being skinny (lol) and naps......all the important things. Haha. Anytime you want a sitter you know where I am....kinda, just a couple states over!

Amy said...

Oh I can't wait...someday! Kick Kirk in the pants and MAKE him stay home with her, if you don;t do it now, it might be that way for the rest of your life.

Jenni said...

I totally know what you mean...

Okay...well, I don't have a baby...or even a full time kid, but I do have a step-daughter and I'm more likely to spend the entire day entertaining her than my husband (you know, her real parent). Oh, she wants to play Monopoly, guess what Jenni gets to do. Is Justin going to play too? Nope, he'd rather play on his computer. Gah! And, it sucks because anytime I bring it up with him, he takes it as if it's because she's not my daughter. Well, technically, she's not. But that's not the issue, the issue is that she is Justin's daughter (regardless of who the mom is) and he should spend just as much time with her as I do!

And then I ranted on your blog...