Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dreaming about Friday

Everyday has seemed like a Friday at work. But then reality sets in and I know I still have to work the next day and the day after and even the day after. Today luckily there is only one day after. I'm so ready for this week to be over. It's been unbelievably boring and long and just plain old drawn out. I'm ready to go home and we still have an hour and a half.

Oh the sheer pain of so much boredom. I have been working on the same project for two weeks now. I just really don't feel like completing it. Luckily it's not something that is due anytime soon. It's promotions for April, but I have promised myself that tomorrow I will actually work on them and complete them. Tomorrow. Not today because I don't feel like doing anything but playing on the Internet.

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