Thursday, January 24, 2008


Why for two days have I had no work to do? I mean absolutely nothing, I wish I could go home and still get paid but no instead I have to sit here and pretend to be doing work because in reality I have nothing to do and I'm bored out of my mind!

Why do men feel the need to go to a strip club and get a lap dance? My older brother is taking both my boyfriend and my uncle to the bar, their birthdays are one day apart and he is planning to buy them both a lap dance. I told my brother that Kirk doesn't need to get a lap dance. I said I would throw the laptop on him and make it dance LOL. But it's his birthday so whatever I suppose. I just don't like the idea of him going there and having some person all over him and then him coming home to me wanting to get some while still thinking of that other person. Am I not a normal female for thinking that cause duh isn't that what guys do?

Why can't bills just disappear into thin air? That would be the loveliest thing in the whole world. Someone go win the lottery and give me some money just 50,000 to help with all my bills. Thanks I'll love you forever I promise lol.

Why blog? because remember I have to pretend like I'm working so typing this thing out makes it look like I'm working really hard LOL. I'm such a faker sometimes, faker!


Brianinmpls said...

If you find that lottery winner send them my way

Kelly said...

Lemme see if I can remember all your bitches....

1. Men like long as he doesn't touch...just get him back and think of your favorite hottie.

2. I already told you that you bitch when there is no work, and then you equally bitch when there is work.

3. A shocking amount of lottery winners declare bankruptcy shortly after winning. Perhaps they are spending all their money on stupid ish like...lottery tickets?

4. I forget if there was anything else I was commenting on...but, I saw a shrine on the way to work today and I thought of you and your tree stump Virgin Mary.