Friday, January 4, 2008


Every morning before getting to work I get dressed in the dark. Sometimes I'll try and use my cell phone to see what I'm looking for. I'm in the dark because my child and my boyfriend are both sleeping, and me being the kind person that I am try not to wake them up. Let them have that extra bit of sleep in the morning that I never get. I'll sleep when I'm dead. So I get to work and go throughout the whole day just going about my business and I swear to you I won't look down to even see what I'm wearing sometimes. Sure enough I'll be wearing black pants when I thought I was wearing brown pants, funny I know but it works regardless. So every day I get dressed in the dark and you never know what I'll come out of the house with. Sometimes I wish I had a huge walk in closet that I could just get dressed in there. Maybe I would be a more stylish person who actually matches in some way. Not that I'm that bad at the moment but you know LOL. Eh my randomness for the day, I'll probably post more later because I'm just THAT bored!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ha ha ha, at least you haven't gone out with mismatched shoes yet.
i too get dressed in the dark, but I always check in the hallway mirror.